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Writer's pictureJessica Keefe

Local Community Officials Advocate for Senior Nutrition

Many don't know that Placer County's senior community is experiencing increasing rates of hunger, which is resulting in adverse health effects and chronic illnesses including diabetes, asthma and hearth problems.

Every March, the Meals on Wheels Association of America organizes the national March for Meals campaign to raise awareness for the senior nutrition programs available across the country. An example of such a program is Seniors First, Placer County's only senior-focused nonprofit organization. Seniors First works to increase access to nutritious food for local seniors through its Senior Cafés, made up of eight neighborhood sites for elderly to gather and enjoy an inexpensive, prepared lunch during the week.

To commemorate March for Meals, Seniors First is hosting a Community Champions Week. Throughout the week, local elected officials and personalities will lend their visibility to the issue of senior hunger by serving lunches in the Senior Cafés and engaging with clients.

Our team assisted Seniors First in their PR efforts, and helped secure an impressive lineup of community champions including Auburn Mayor Bridget Powers, County Clerk-Recorder Ryan Ronco, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, Rocklin City Manager Rick Horst and Councilmember Jill Gayaldo. These leaders, and many others not listed, will donate their lunch hour this week to serve a hot meal to seniors visiting Senior Cafés.

Seniors First is always in need of friendly, compassionate volunteers and financial support to continue programs like its Senior Cafés. If you or someone you know would like to get involved, please call Seniors First at (530)889-9500 or visit their website.

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