As you know, we have a heart for nonprofits and a passion for the work they do. We appreciate them as clients, as friends and as partners in our community.
The holiday season might be when the concept of charity is at top of mind. But there are always a number of ways you can dive in to make a remarkable difference in the lives of local kids, families, and seniors year-round. Here are three of our favorite local causes:

Happy Heart Grams: To meet the needs of isolated seniors that may not otherwise receive a card this Valentine' Day, Seniors First in Auburn created Happy Heart Grams. You can help Seniors First deliver over 175 Happy Heart Grams to isolated, homebound and lonely Placer County seniors by donating $7.00 per senior or purchasing ten Grams for $60. Each one will include a handmade card and a special gift. Call Seniors First to place your order. (530)889-9500 x213.
Tommy Apostolos Dinner Dance: The 27th Annual Dinner Dance is scheduled for Saturday, April 1 at the Roseville Sports Complex. The annual benefit raises much-needed funds to provide winter clothing, shoes, school supplies and other essentials for hundreds of Roseville students. Activites include a lively silent auction, a delicious multi-course dinner from Gourmet Garage and dancing. Tickets are available at

Run Rocklin: Our favorite high-energy event for walkers and runners of all ages and abilities offering courses and distances to challenge avid runners and engage beginners, children and families. Participants are encouragesd to register as teams to earn funds for their nonprofit of choice. In addition, proceeds benefit Matt Redding Foundation, Rocklin schools and public safety agencies, Run Rocklin has donated more than $100,000 to these organizations over the years. Register now!